I admit, sometimes I feel like a lone wolf out here in the veterinary world, wandering aimlessly in the backwoods of Facebook while my more distinguished colleagues do things like invent CPR simulator dogs and dart rhinos and perfect orthopedic surgeries. I, on the other hand, put aside the glory of a specialty and focused on becoming the best GP I could be. I did it quite well. I treated untold ear infections, spayed I don't know how many dogs, and saved too many carpets to count from the ... Read more »
Santa Baby
One of the little perks of doing what I do happens at Christmastime, when I get to go on Fox 5's local morning show with the Rancho Coastal Humane Society and present "A Dog's Holiday Wishlist." I don't have the video downloaded yet, but I'm working on it because it's really silly but also just fun. I'm with the anchor while each adoptable pet goes up to Santa. They (and by they, I mean one of the producers or camera guys behind the scenes talking in a goofy voice) tell Santa what they want for ... Read more »
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
The call came yesterday evening, when I was sitting on the couch trying to block the sounds of the upstairs neighbor's daily dance exercises out of my cranium. He or she was dancing to "Firework" on this fine evening, jumping up and down to the beat on top of my head. Do you ever hate (jump) walls so paper thin (bump) Like the ceiling's bout (smash) to come caving in (crash) Neighbor you're a piece (thump thump) of work- (thump thump) C'mon let your ear (tap tap) drums burst - (splat ... Read more »
Next Step Baby Monitors: Exonerating pets since 2012
It's been a long time since I've needed a baby monitor. Not that long, mind you, but long enough that technology has apparently been soaring by me in leaps and bounds since the year I slept with static-y radio by my side. When I was asked by Next Step Baby monitors if I wanted to review their cameras to see what my dogs were up to while I was gone, I agreed, because oddly enough- and this never ever happens- my husband had JUST SAID "We really need a baby monitor or something to figure out ... Read more »
The Long Dark Tea Time of the Brode
This is my life right now: Commute kids to school. Get loan documents. Get more loan documents. Write. Provide more loan documents. I have done this house buying thing once or twice in my life, but it's never been like this. I get it, things are different now. But it feels almost violating, some random 20 something loan intern combing through the minutiae of your life's history, eyeing you with mistrust, as if YOU'RE the one responsible for the current housing mess. While our mortgage history ... Read more »
The 2012 Howliday Gift Guide is here!
Happy Holidays! I've been lucky enough to attend both Global Pet Expo and SuperZoo this year, skulking about the aisles in search of my favorite pet items of the year, and fortunately for us there was plenty to choose from. I've teamed up with the pet enthusiasts at Blog Paws to bring you some suggestions from the BlogPaws Great Gifts for Pets Holiday Gift Guide. (The guide in its entirety is viewable at the Blog Paws site.) Here are some of my favorites for under our tree, which if fate and the ... Read more »
Adopt the net: Transitioning a rescue pet into a new home
We, the collective animal loving internet, have done a great job of telling people to "Adopt, Don't Shop." We do it so much that people say it without thinking, assume without asking, and demand without discourse. Now, don't get me wrong: I absolutely support the concept, and this is why I am here writing a post today in honor of Petside's Pet Net Adoption Week. It's why I've adopted lots of pets over the years. But this is only half the equation. We tell people they should adopt, and why they ... Read more »
Have Fido, Will Travel
Heading out for the holidays with Fido or Fluffy in tow? Bringing your pet with you can be a great alternative to boarding or housesitting, as long as you plan ahead and make sure you are prepared with pet-friendly accommodations. There's few things worse than showing up at Grandma's, dog in tow, only to have her stare in horror at your dog and say, "I didn't know you were brining HIM," while pointedly stroking her Persian cat and glaring at you. Assuming you know what you're going to do when ... Read more »
I am grateful
Normally, I'd be spending today running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Thanksgiving is MY holiday, the one I normally host at my house. My mom gets Easter, my mother in law gets Christmas, but this is the one I take because I love going overboard on things like caramelized squash bisque and focaccia sage stuffing and pretty much every kind of turkey shaped serving dish one can own. Well, all the turkey shaped serving dishes are currently in a storage facility and I barely have ... Read more »
Awkward Massage is Awkward
So I made it back safe and sound from lovely Granda. The Technical Animal Rescue course was absolutely amazing and a fantastic program for anyone who is interested in animal rescue- but before I go into the water rescue, the ropes course, or all the exciting things World Vets is up to in Nicaragua, I promised Sarah I would share the story of the world's most awkward massage so my stories are going to be in reverse chronological order. The last day on our trip was a free day, to wind up loose ... Read more »