We like photography, and from time to time get questions about our photo gear. If your question isn't answered below, feel free to drop us a line. Photo Q&A: Q: What kind of camera do you use? A: We use Canon and Leica cameras. The Canon 5D Mark III, Canon 7D, Canon 30D, and the Leica D-LUX4. Below you'll find a more complete list of all the gear. Q: What kind of software do you use? A: We use Apple's Aperture 3 for photo post production, along with Nik Software's ... Read more »
Yawn – Photo of the Week
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It’s National Get a Pal for your Pet Day!
When I was on the Hope Telethon last weekend talking about pet health holiday tips, the reporter asked me (without warning) if I was going to be bringing home another pet from Helen Woodward. And I answered honestly. If it wouldn't cause a major rift in the household, I would. I can manage 4 pets, and we're at 3. If I can't get a Boston, I'm thinking maybe I could just sneak in another cat for Apollo. He's social, he likes friends. He'd like a pal. My husband remains unconvinced, of ... Read more »
Then there was the time my husband almost sold me for some goats
It's Friday, and I'm in the mood for some Africa. How 'bout you? I don't know where my footage of me being the bush pilot in the Serengeti went, so I've decided I'm just posting Africa posts all out of order while I try and find it, and oh well. That was what happened after we left chimp camp, though. I talked the pilot into letting me fly shotgun over the FREAKIN SERENGETI which might be the only thing that could have topped a chimp brushing by my legs. It was spectacular. Anyway, the ... Read more »
Faces of the Flood
It hasn't been in the news nearly enough, but there is a major disaster happening in Thailand right now. 20 of Thailand's 77 provinces have been hit by floods since July, affecting 1/5 of the country's population. In a county whose resources are already stretched thin, imagine the impact of this sort of natural disaster on the street dog population. In Bangkok alone, there are an estimated 60-70,000 stray dogs, and they are suffering greatly. Local organizations such as Soi Dog and Wildlife ... Read more »
Take a bite: Home Cooking and a BalanceIt Giveaway!
Lots of people like to cook for their pets, but most people don't do it every single day. Of those who do, most do so because they have to, a pet with kidney disease who also has food allergies and diabetes, that sort of thing. Occasionally there is the person who just likes to do it, like the chef who makes seared sea bass for his two incredibly spoiled schnauzers every day. I admire that dedication, which is significant. More common are people like me, those who do it every once in a while ... Read more »
YOU get a new car, and YOU get a new car…
I miss Oprah's favorite things show. That was the best show ever, and also how I ended up with a pile of things I never knew I HAD TO HAVE until Oprah said I had to have them. That is how I wound up with a quilted pink Burberry jacket six years ago, and I don't even like pink. Anyway. Giving stuff away is fun. I spent all day yesterday sorting through the giveaways to pick winners, and to make my life easier I'm listing them all here: Biscuits by Lambchop giveaway: Susan ... Read more »
Behind the scenes at a blogathon
Normally when I do these blogathons, I park myself on the couch with a pile of chocolate and a liter of coffee and just go for it. But this year, this year I decided to be ambitious. I will do my blogathon on location, I thought. Let's make it NUTS. The week before, I drove out to the Lions, Tigers and Bears sanctuary to verify they had working wifi. It was slow, but not too slow. Good enough for the blogathon, I figured. My friend Star and I hatched plans. We'll camp out in the bear ... Read more »
I am not a zombie
Though I am perilously close to feeling like one. Yeegads. When I am not so sleep deprived and my fingers are no longer curved into arthritic claws from typing a month's worth of posts in one day, I will give you the behind the scenes look at a blogathon that, for all intents and purposes, really did end up feeling like a real life apocalypse. There were cops and power outages and insanity and late night evacuations and everything. But it all worked out in the end, and we raised $1240 for Lions, ... Read more »
The sun rises over a new landscape. Dusty, quiet, ravaged. Cleansed, if you will. Not much left by way or man nor beast. Under the cover of darkness, Amanda Brown slipped into her Hummer while Dr. V covered her escape and made a run for Los Angeles, where she found Dr. Patrick Mahaney under the Hollywood sign at dawn. They lived and shopped happily ever after. They never did find that blond vet or her cute little red dog, but it's said that she strode out into the maelstrom with her ... Read more »