There are few things worse than that sinking feeling of looking around for your pet, and realizing he or she is gone. Not just hiding, but gone. Perhaps you're like my neighbor, whose tricky latch on the side fence meant that whenever the gardener didn't pull it shut all the way, the labs would push it open and go for a run. Or you have one of those dogs who likes to dig, dig, dig, right under the fence and out onto the street. Or you're just unlucky, like a client of ours whose dog Tinker ... Read more »
How The Walking Dead made me a better blogger
Have you seen The Walking Dead on AMC yet? It's a horrible show about life after the zombie apocalypse. The undead have taken over, though no one really knows why. In one day, the world has been plunged into chaos, social norms no longer exist, and everyone has reverted to a state of primal survival mode. Every episode, someone is either shot, transformed into a zombie, or messily devoured in a graphic manner. It's the kind of show you have to watch from between your outstretched fingers lest ... Read more »
Balls Done Two Ways: Schweddy Balls and Puppy Pops
Let me start with a warning: If you are in the camp that was offended by the legendary SNL Schweddy Balls skit, skip right on over the first half of this post and proceed straight to the G rated Cake Pops for Dogs portion of this post, because you're going to hate the first half. Still here? Good. I have been searching my local grocery establishments high and low trying to find this ice cream to no avail. I don't know if it's because they have refused to carry it in protest of its ... Read more »
Time to party- we got sweet and sour here!
Are you all ready for the concert of the year? I said, are you READY?! Let's get this party started with the one and only KOTY PURRY! I know a place Where the grass is green and cleaner Dogs get to run And they have lots of bones and water ... Read more »
Sam’s Club Halloween Costume Contest!
Last minute Twitter Halloween contest alert! I know there are a ton of you out there with awesome costumes based on what I saw on Facebook today, and now I have a way for you to turn that into some great prizes from Sam's Club! It's easy peasy to enter. If you have a picture, get it ready. If not, take one. I'll wait. Go to Twitter. Post a tweet that includes the hashtag “#SamsClubPet” and mention “@SamsClub” and then include a link to a photo of your cat or dog’s Halloween costume. Cat ... Read more »
Don’t leave the vet in charge
I have a new Baking With Brody post ready to go that just needs a couple more pictures. I'll have it up this weekend, just in time for Halloween. So in the meantime, a corollary to yesterday's post: One of my tasks as kindergarten room mom, a job I grudgingly agreed to despite my better judgment, is to decorate the booth at the kid's Halloween carnival. I thought we would be provided with games and we would simply be in charge of manning it, but oh, no, we need to actually come up with an ... Read more »
Underachieving Moms Club
I am possessed of the vague and disquieting sense of disease that comes from knowing you are incredibly behind in everything you are supposed to be doing. Case in point: I promised my kids a month ago I would make them banana bread. I've tried three times, and every time I go to do it someone has eaten the bananas below the requisite number needed to make said bread. So they have been eating the Frankenberry cereal that one of the grandparents bought when we were in Africa for the past three ... Read more »
Health is Wealth! (Well that, and vanity.)
Look what arrived at our front door this week! Even though we ended up having to be out of town for the Surf Dog competition, Eukanuba was fantastic enough to send Brody and I our very own surfboard. And what a board it is! It's not just any old surfboard, but one custom made for dog surfing competitions. By far the flyest piece of sporting equipment I own. Thank you, Eukanuba. It is spectacular. You know what this means, though, right? Now we have to use it. Ricochet, I know we'll be ... Read more »
Giveaway Tuesday: FurCode ID Tags
They're on business cards, magazine ads, and pamphlets, so why not ID tags? QR codes are the next big thing in giving people quick access to information, and FurCode ID tags have taken it to the next level by putting them on a pet ID tag. Each ID tag has a unique code on it; when the code is scanned by a smartphone or input into the website, users will have access to the pet's profile containing contact information, veterinary information, vaccine history, and any other notes you'd like ... Read more »
Tagg the Pet Tracker Unboxing
My husband insisted we make an unboxing video for the Tagg the Pet Tracker we received to review this week. Unboxing videos are definitely a guy thing. "What do I do?" I asked. "I haven't gotten to review it yet." "You don't review it," he said. "You just take it out of the box and explain what you see." It makes no sense to me, but I'd watch people unboxing Louboutins all day so I suppose you like what you like. Anyway, I actually have an actual review of the Tagg coming up, but if ... Read more »