I have been waiting on pins and needles to make it, too. After much blood, sweat, and tears- mostly on the part of the magnificent Joelle at Moxie Design, I just watched- the new and improved pawcurious 2.0 is going to launch TOMORROW! ... Read more »
It’s National Holistic Pet Day!
I finished a comprehensive course in veterinary acupuncture in 2006. It was intense. Thinking about health from a Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine standpoint as opposed to our standard Western approach is just such a different mindset, but once you think about it, it makes sense. Our bodies are not a collection of closed systems that function independently of one another, yet we're trained to treat them that way. Once you step back and see the entire organism as a collective effort, your ... Read more »
Fright Night (not the hurricane. The public speaking.)
I gotta tell you, I was admittedly nervous heading out to DC this weekend for BlogPaws. All last week the talk of the country was this mega storm that was barreling towards the East Coast, not for Florida but for the eastern seaboard exactly where we were supposed to be going. Some family members delicately suggested that I might reconsider going. And I said, no way, because it's BlogPaws and it's my favorite conference of the entire year and I can't not go. So I went, as did the majority of ... Read more »
Banner Day
It's National Dog Day. I am in DC bunkered in for the storm of the century with the greatest people in the world at BlogPaws. There is no one else I would rather weather Pawmageddon with. And it's my birthday. Like I said, banner day! I would love if you post something delightful in the comments today. Cupcakes, ice cream, puppies, otters, you name it. ... Read more »
Guest Post: How to Move with Pets with Less Stress
Today, I'm happy to feature a guest post from moving expert Tim Eyre. Moving is one of the most stressful times in our busy lives, and that goes double for the animals who have no clue why their routines have been upended. So without further ado, here are Tim's tips for making the transition a success! Regardless of whether you're relocating to an entirely new area or just buying a house down the block, moving can be an incredibly stressful and emotional experience. Dealing with things like ... Read more »
Pass me the monocle
I like to write. I think you probably know that. Whether or not anyone cares to read it, well, I just throw stuff out there and hope someone gets something out of it, but it's kind of a free form endeavor. Which is why I was so thrilled and grateful when Sonia from Nomad Editions Good Dog Magazine asked me if I would write an article for them about my trip to Peru with AmazonCares. Of course, I jumped at the chance. It just came out last week and I've spent the entire time thinking, "Woo ... Read more »
Giveaway Tuesday: Senior Pet Products.com!
Congratulations to the winners! $50 gift card is Barbara Hubler $20 gift card is Keri Dominguez $20 gift card is Julie Hust After a particularly bad month, I said to my friends that I felt like a car whose warranty had just expired. Every organ system has just fallen to bits all at once. I've spent the latter half of the summer catching up on my winter '10 reading in doctor's waiting rooms. I've been poked and prodded over just about every linear inch of my rapidly deteriorating ... Read more »
My 7 Links: My favorite posts from TripBase blog project
There is a meme making its way around the net, whereby the nominated blogger is to pick seven posts to represent some of their favorite work. Since the lovely Edie at Will My Dog Hate Me and the equally lovely Jen at My Brown Newfies were kind enough to suggest I take part, I spent some time this weekend mulling over my posts from the past couple of years. I'm a forward-thinking kind of person, but it's nice to look back and remember those posts that really tickled me. Or you. Or not. The ... Read more »
The Postman Always Rings Twice
We have a great mailman. I don't know how to explain it, but for all the complaints people have about the US Postal Service we seem to have lucked out with our guy. From the day we moved in when he introduced himself 6 years ago, he's been unfailingly polite, always waving, remembers our name, and pretty much everything you have come to not expect in a federal employee. He showed up at 10 am today with a package I needed to sign for, and we chatted a bit. I signed, he left. A minute later, he ... Read more »
Born to Be Wild: finally getting a movie right!
You all remember the Tyrannosaur movie debacle? It's taken me all this time to work up enough nerve to go to another science museum movie after leaving the theater with two howling kids in tow. In the interim, we went to see Disney's African Cats, which was another hot mess ("Mommy, why are all the kittens dead?" etc) and didn't help my opinion of modern nature documentaries. When I was reading all the sad reviews of African Cats, dubbing it "most depressing nature film ever made" and that ... Read more »