An upcoming article in Emerging Infectious Diseases is already raising hackles and stimulating a great deal of debate by suggesting sleeping with your pets in the bed can be risky. The authors, one of whom I remember from Davis as a great zoonotics expert with a vast and horrifying litany of case studies, reviewed past medical literature to come up with examples of human infections that most likely originated from the pet. Before we get into anything else, it's worth noting this fundamental ... Read more »
Bayers of the Lost Bark
My front yard is currently in a tremendous state of disrepair, due to a nasty trio of invasive ficus trees, an endangered water main and a threatening note from the homeowners association about the one brick that was out of place. It looked a bit like an archaeologic dig once the landscaper went after it with a mini excavator. Hey, that almost reminds me of something..... da da da da, da da dum.... ... Read more »
I slack therefore I am.
A few things: 1. You all have sent in some truly horrible fashion. Thank you for this. It's amazing. Submission deadline is tomorrow but it will probably take me the weekend to actually go through it all, so I'll announce the winner next week (if I can pick one, if not I'll make you all vote). If I wore it all at once I would look just like Helena Bonham Carter at the Golden Globes. Delightful. 2. Remember the AKC Eukanuba show I was fortunate enough to attend in December? It's airing ... Read more »
Life as a pillow
The news is filled to the brim with stories of pets who show us each and every day the extent of their loyalty, of their dedication to being there for us. I can only aspire to be deserving of it. Brody is almost 2 now, and probably similar in age to Emmett when I adopted him. He's still got lots of goofy puppy in him, but he is slowly maturing into an intuitive and loving dog. I need to remind myself whenever I start to make comparisons that Emmett introduced himself to my 5 foot tall mother ... Read more »
You Will Love Me
Since we had the day off yesterday, I schlepped the kids to our local Safari Park for a little walk on the wild side. If you know anything about San Diego, you've probably heard about the World Famous San Diego Zoo (and that is how it refers to itself, the World Famous San Diego Zoo- there's confidence!) but you might not have heard about its wallflower sibling, the San Diego Wild Animal Park/Safari Park/whatever it's being called these days. Aside from its location in an often sweltering ... Read more »
I Have a Dream Too
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr day, I just re-read the "I Have a Dream" speech. 48 years ago, which seems hard to believe, and although I was born after this time and I hear it only in echoes, it still resonates with me. We all have dreams, for ourselves, for our families, for the future of the world. As we choose our path, or maybe sometimes it's partly chosen for us, the seeds of those dreams are planted and take root in our soul. They are what stirs us, what drives our longing, what ... Read more »
Blog the Change: Pets for Patriots
Pets are good for the soul. We all know that. They can help reduce stress, give you a shoulder to lean on, and never interrupt you when you are sharing a story. I've recently had the pleasure of getting to know Beth Zimmerman, founder of Pets For Patriots. She envisioned Pets for Patriots as a way to unite two important needs: helping veterans enjoy the joys of pet ownership and helping harder to place pets find loving homes. Pets for Patriots helps unite service members and veterans ... Read more »
Ironic Non Fashion Update with Prizes!
So the submissions I've gotten so far have been exceptional, but there are not enough yet to make a real contest. Many of you have written to me that you have dog socks and are therefore too chagrined to participate, to which I answer: I have THREE pairs of dog socks. It's OK. Fashion is subjective, right? Unless it's a dog fleece caftan. Those are the items I'm looking for. The worst of the worst. So let's sweeten the deal: To the finder of the next sequin dog vest, I offer you the choice of ... Read more »
Carnivore schmarnivore
By all accounts cats are carnivores. They need meat, and lots of it. Meat meat meat, flesh, protein, wet and messy and slimy. I made the decision years ago to move my cats to canned food, so Apollo feasts on canned vension on a daily basis. You'd think he would be happy with this biologically appropriate arrangement. I thought cats were supposed to be finicky. This is why I find his vulture-like scavenging so perplexing. While Apollo will occasionally pluck a wayward piece of chicken off the ... Read more »
Style Report: It’s ON like Donkey Kong
A couple of months ago, I was at a party when a complete stranger ran up to me, embraced me like an old friend, and said, "ANTHRO!" I startled, thinking for a moment she said "ANTHRAX!" but then I realized she was referring to Anthropologie, the store where I bought the dress. That was my introduction into The Madness. I didn't realize Anthropologie was not a store but a sisterhood, whose induction requires only the purchase of an overpriced but adorable piece of clothing, and then they ... Read more »