I spend a lot of time eavesdropping on the conversations of the other parents in my kids' classes. I try to participate when I have something pertinent to add, but the conversations are often about things I don't have much to say about: tanning jeans PTA meetings All three topics about which I quickly find myself in over my head. So I mostly listen, and nod at what seems like appropriate intervals. This week, the topic was Spring Break. Some parents are working, and the kids will ... Read more »
Amazon Cares
What, me worry?
Several years ago, while I was wistfully speaking about all the places in the world I'd like to someday see, my husband looked at me over the top of his computer and said these words: "I'm not doing an overseas flight with you unless you get some Xanax." I was terribly offended, of course. I mean, come on. Sure, I get a little tense when I'm worried about making a flight on time- who isn't? But given the state of TSA lines these days, I think I'm justified. Overall I'm a pretty good ... Read more »
What’s Eating Dr. V?
My children are a little bit jealous that I'm going on an adventure to the Amazon without them. Totally understandable. To mitigate this somewhat, I've recruited both sets of grandparents and set in motion Spoil-a-palooza, which I have a feeling will be far preferable to them than anything I could come up with. Grandparents sure do know how to show grandkids a good time. Once I got that under control, they became very interested in hearing what I would be doing in Peru. "Working with ... Read more »
Indiana Bones in Peru: Capybara Blood Bait
I know I already dubbed Brody Indiana Bones in a prior post, but I'm stealing the nom de plume for my upcoming trip to Peru with Amazon Cares. I am Indiana Bones, slogging through anacondas and tarantulas in search of the elusive capybara. It's the largest rodent in the world, and I want to see one. It's not a photoshopped guinea pig: It's the world's largest rodent. *squish* I admit it will take a bit of luck, since I'm going to be pretty busy doing veterinary work- the main reason for ... Read more »
I'm not a big New Years Resolution maker, because I'm way too annoyed when I can't make them happen. So the ones that I do make, I like to really commit to. One of my few steadfast resolutions for 2011, along with "walk Brody more" and "avoid PTA meetings" was "do at least one volunteer veterinary trip." There are no shortage of opportunities for veterinary professionals and animal lovers- World Vets, South Pacific Animal Welfare, HSTJ just to name a few. It is an incredible experience to ... Read more »