As I’ve mentioned, I’m attending the BlogHer conference in San Diego this weekend. I was a little unsure of whether I thought this was something I would get anything out of, but hey, I figure might as well give it a go since it’s so close to home anyway.
There are a lot of diverse bloggers at this show. This is, in fact, what the organizers promote as one of its key enticements. I met dominatrices and peace activists and mommy bloggers and soul enhancement coaches and lifestyle experts, bloggers and vloggers and Twitterholics and Facebook specialists. Watching them shuffle their cards and tweet conversations in real time while it was still going on, it became apparent that no matter how much I thought I understood about the web and how it works, I was actually totally clueless out here in my furry backwaters.
I was floundering about, feeling rather deflated about my networking naivete. It was around this point that I was adopted by Nicole at By Word of Mouth Musings and Lynn of All Fooked Up, who recognized my bewildered deer-in-headlights stance and took me in for the rest of the evening, thank God. Because other people were bowling by that point, and I really didn’t want to go there.
I spent the next morning at a session with Ree Drummond- you may know her as the Pioneer Woman– and Kathryn Finney from The Budget Fashionista, two incredibly accomplished bloggers with massively successful sites. Ree, much to my disbelief, is just as adorable in real life as she is on her site. She had a smile on her face for four hours straight. Four hours! And this while we were peppering her with questions.
We all got a turn to ask a question of these sage masters. Ree and Kathryn doled out nuggets of wisdom which the group ate up like hungry seagulls. When it came to my turn, I introduced myself, said I wrote a pet blog- which got its usual response of silence- and I think, though I’m not entirely sure, I think I asked how someone with such a defined niche can broaden their appeal to a wider audience. It’s a valid question, I think, considering how many people in that room had already showed me their pet pictures. I might have just choked out “Bestow upon me your beneficence,” though.
Silence. Kathryn’s face went blank and she looked at Ree, who to her credit was not going to let me get out of the room without fulfilling her duty to provide me advice, still smiling, mind you.
“Well…..Do you take pictures?” she asked.
“Yes,” I said.
“Of all pets, or just your own?”
“Both,” I said, “but mostly mine.”
“OK,” she said. “Are you funny?”
“Umm….I think I’m funny, but I don’t know if anyone else does,” I mumbled.
Ree mentioned the success of her posts with her bassett Charlie, and agreed that the prevalence of sites like Cute Overload showed that people like looking at cute pets. And then my time was up.
So to answer Ree, I think I have cute stuff.
Lots of pictures.
And if you don’t think a dog in a Bret Michaels costume is funny, well, I just don’t know what to tell you. Because that is hilarious.
We’ll make you laugh, we’ll make you cry, we got it all covered. Come on, that has to be at least as interesting as your average treatise on cloth diapering. So I guess there is nothing more to be done, huh? All righty. We shall carry on, then.
Personally, I think your site is fantastic just the way it is! I like that it has actual substance and *isn’t* just pictures with (sometimes) funny comments.
And Brody as Bret Michaels? HILARIOUS!
Thank you Jessica! 😀
I like that it covers a wide range of things from personal stories, to vet advice to just life with animals. Love the pictures and that you post, EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. nothing is more annoying then finding a great funny blog and having it go stale for weeks at a time. And yes, your very funny. Its the main reason that I read this blog before I open my email because most time i know that it will put me in a good mood before I dive into the craziness of childwelfare.
I dont know how you would appeal to a larger group – i mean there are animal people and then non-animal people. Within the animal people there are two sub groups, ones who believe that their animals are their family and the others who believe their animals are just animals. I think you appeal to the better group 🙂 , just sayin. I personally am more of a cat person then a dog person and more of a rat person then any of the others. So maybe you could post things about other animals, and open the blog up that way, to people who love not only dogs but other types of pets. The other thing I would like to see; when you click a link it opens in a new window or tab. Nothing is more annoying then losing the page I was on because it opened in the same window and not a new one. (thats me just being picky!). Over all, we love you and the community we have here. Thanks for creating it!
Thank you Tabitha- that was very thoughtful and helpful feedback. I really appreciate that!
We think you are funny and cute (your blog too – haha). Have fun at the conference!
Thank you! I will!
I think you are funny and your dog and cat pictures are very cute. I’d agree with the above poster who suggested having links open in a new window/tab. Another thought if you are trying to drive traffic to your site – I usually read blogs in my google reader, so I don’t click over unless I want to make a comment or I’m forced to because that’s the only way to get the entire post. I would actually click through to yours because you have good content. There are several that I skip unless the post looks interesting.
I am going to have to check with my web designer about the link issue. Thank you!
I’m the same as Catherine. I typically read all the blogs I follow through Google Reader so that might not be feeding in to your site traffic unless I hop over to comment (which I fully admit to beign more of a lurker than commenter). I do want you to know though that your blog is one of my favorites and it makes my morning when a new one posts. 🙂
I really appreciate that Katy! Thank you!
I really enjoy your site, you have a wonderful, clear and flowing writing style and you help so many people. Ree gave great advice and she would know. Keep up the great work.
Thank you Carol, that was really kind of you. 🙂
I have one piece of advice for you, Dr. V. DON’T CHANGE ANYTHING! Who else eats dog food or cooks with cat litter for charity?!? Did these so-called super-bloggers know that you’ve done that? Who else does that? Who else puts her heart out there every day for animals – dog, cat and otherwise? A few people, but I forget to check their blogs sometimes and have to catch up on posts occasionally. I consider my day incomplete without a little pawcurious to get me inspired, motivated, heart-warmed, etc. You are unique, and that’s why you are special 🙂
Keep it up!
Ditto to everything you said!
And another ditto!
Thank you!
Aw, that made my day. And I’m pretty sure I’m all alone out there in the craziness of the things I have eaten. I don’t know if that is good or bad.
P.S. You are hilarious…even when you’re dealing with a ‘serious’ topic 🙂
I think your blog is AMAZING just the way it is. It’s funny, informative,and sometimes serious and sometimes goofy. I really like the variation too. Keep up the great job! 🙂
Thank you- that is much appreciated!
Just in case you’re still wondering, pet doctor barbie is Hilarious. So I guess that makes you funny too. 🙂
I am so glad I”m not the only one who thinks so! Guess that means I should keep on keeping on!
I think you have the balance here on your blog. I wouldn’t be following it if I didn’t like it. But I’ve been a reader for two years and I’m still here. I love the barbie stories, the comics about Brody and Koa… the recipes, you inspired me to bake a birthday cake for my beagle and my golden retriever for their respective birthdays.
I even decorated it and all.
I would love to see those cakes! I love it!
I agree with the others who have commented, I think you have a great balance already here. You post funny stories, moving personal stories, serious posts givings us great advice we can actually use. I love your barbie posts and the pet jungle posts. Also, a pet blog covers a pretty big niche considering how many households out there own pets!
Thank you Miranda! I agree- we are a huuuuge niche.
Ree Drummond is generally awesome so I am a tiny bit disappointed that her beneficence raining down upon you was not more insightful! You are also generally awesome – and definitely, definitely carry on as you are!
I admit I didn’t give her a lot to work with. She was really, really gracious to each and every person there! So keep liking her! 🙂
Oh, of course I will! But you know what I mean, she is :: drumroll :: The Pioneer Woman :: fadeaway :: so I expected the skies to light up with her wisdom for you 🙂
I certainly hope that I’ve told you this before but I find you HILARIOUS! And, Pawcurious is chock full of cute stuff to boot. I say keep up the good work. And if you’re in need of a little cheering up I’d be happy to send Boston Terrier Hamlet your way for some snorts and kisses (but unfortunately there will probably be the side effect of farts too).
There is always always room here for a little Boston terrier love, farts and all.
Love you, love the blog, love Licky, Bitey, and Pee-ey. Don’t change a thing!
Oh geez, I forgot about Pee-ey! Hopefully he can get a new nametag soon. 😀
I dunno, funny is as funny does. I think there are all sorts of way to make a successful blog; look at DailyCoyote. She has at least two blogs and a subscription series AND an intern and she’s not all that funny (humorous and wry, yes). Lovely photos, though. Because blogs are so visual, I think having an attractive design is key. Yours fits your style well.
I will echo another poster in hoping you will blog more about other types of pets. I love the Apollo posts, and would be interested in other critters as well.
Wow, an intern? I had no idea. I don’t want an intern, I am too maniacal about controlling my content.
I agree with the others and enjoy, and get info, from your blog. AND … I can read it!!! So often people have layouts that are simply too unreadable for us older folks with poor eyesight.
“Being funny and cute”? Might work sometimes. I think it’s better to just “be yourself”. If it comes out “F and C” – ok – if not, that’s ok too.
That is sage advice right there- every word!
I stumbled on your site earlier this year when looking for reviews of the World’s Best Cat Litter. I’m not actually an avid blog reader but I was hooked on yours from the moment I read about you sitting in your garage sniffing cat litter. I couldn’t *not* laugh because I did that exact thing myself! I think you’re funny and I like your serious/sad posts and your professional vet posts and the light-hearted personal funny posts. Your descriptions of your own reactions to things come across as very real and honest and that makes it easy to empathize and identify with what you say. Like Tamara said above, you’re unique. Don’t lose that, because it’s not about being cute for cuteness sake.
I sometimes worry about oversharing things like that cat litter sniffing. I am so glad to hear that it actually convinced you to stick around!
Hi Y’all,
My Human said to tell you to FORGET all the sage advise! You can’t be successful being something you don’t “feel”. You’ve been doing great just being yourself.
Besides, I like my vet just as she is…and it’s nice knowing she is a real person with a dog with allergies like mine. We think it’s nice knowing you are a real person with real pet problems too.
Y’all come by now,
Hawk aka BrownDog
Oh, and I am a terrible liar. I just have to be me- I could never fake it. So thank you.
Ditto Hawk. Be yourself, that’s why I come here. For you. And I have no idea who Ree Drummond even is. I read very few blogs daily. Yours is one of maybe three. Please do not try to aspire to “heights” that others have determined, because it would be, for you, stooping. Don’t change a thing unless it is something YOU want to try. Sage, advice or the herb, belongs in stew. But only if Brodie and Koa like it. IMHO. ;p
I’ve never been into blogs at all… this is the only one I read. Found it when looking up Pet Doctor Barbie, and have never left…
I love that line! I bet they would like sage too. Sausage sage biscuits. Great, now I’m hungry.
Don’t forget that those people do blogging as a job. That’s what they do.
For the rest of us, who have an actual job, well, there aren’t enough hours in the day to do what they do. Even if that’s what we wanted to do (if it was, we probably would be doing it)……….
I’d suggest that a vet does more good in the world than a blogger-whose-job-it-is, no matter how cute and funny the blogger may be…………
I don’t suppose any of those bloggers spent their vacation time in Peru, helping street dogs………… For example.
“I don’t suppose any of those bloggers spent their vacation time in Peru, helping street dogs………… For example.”
Seriously. Good point. Let’s score on the meat and not the fancy icing.
I second that one!
I just realized — being cute and funny is an excellent job for — Pet Blogger Barbie!
🙂 🙂 🙂
I could take a bunch of pics of cute plastic animals for you (er, I mean, for *her*)! 🙂
That’s hysterical- I SO have to make that a post. Yes, yes, yes.
That is so sweet. Thank you for that. 😀
I love your site!!! You are the single pet blog that I read every day – most of the other ones are food blogs. Your pictures are adorable and I usually always laugh when I’m here. Unless you’re talking about something like shelter pets, etc, and then I cry. Either way, emotions are had by all.
Thank you Diana- I really appreciate that. And I love food blogs too! 😀
LOL! The Bret Michaels photo nearly had me on the floor. That was awesome! I actually think that pictures to make a difference, but if you’re worried about how to go beyond your niche, I say you already have in may ways. Pet lover. Veterinarian. Humorist. Teacher. Blogger. Conversationalist. Need I say more? 🙂
I like your blog, your musings and your humor.
Aw, thank you! I appreciate that!
My Golden Girl and I visit because you have knowlegde, understanding and compassion. Of course we are drawn by our mutual Golden Crush , but we also like to learn how to be a better team. You help me be a better mum to my Furbabe, that’s why we have learnt to save our favourites and visit weekly. Youalso introduces us to Freezy Pups,now that just adds to the yum-factor:-)
Aw, thank you! And yay for a fellow Goldie addict!!
I am sure you enjoyed the conference. Also, it’s good to be acquainted with other bloggers in person.
The animal photos were indeed so cute. Love them all.
Thank you Cassy!
I have been following your blog for just about two years now, and I think you are awesome. I honestly don’t know how you juggle so much. You are a talented vet and writer–not a common combination. And as someone who spends most of her blog reading time on humor sites, you are definitely funny!
I also follow you on twitter. It would be awesome if your tweets didn’t point to facebook posts. When I am on my phone, it is an extra step. I don’t know the best way to manage all that, but I bet you would get more traffic.
Good suggestions Hope- thank you!
Yah, well, I can relate to wanting to break out of one’s niche…just be glad you’re not trying to blog about the convergence between Tibetan Buddhism and positive dog training! 🙂 I’m relatively new to blog production–and consumption–but I’m finding that dog bloggers are some of the most pleasant and enjoyable people out there. Probably because they put they put their money where their mouths are and are motivated by compassion, love, and humor and not by “marketing” considerations. Don’t change a thing!
Follow my fostering and training adventures at
Wow Kirsten, that is actually really cool! I’ll have to go check out your blog!
Sorry for the late comments, I’ve been traveling without a web presence for a couple of weeks (crazy, I know), but I have to say that I love your blog. Love your humor and you have a style of communicating that makes it easy to absorb what you are saying without feeling like I’m being preached at or being talked down to.
If we lived in the San Diego area, I’d drive from the other end of the city just to have you be our pets’ vet.
That is so nice of you to say. Thank you!!
So delightful, we would follow you around, even not on a leash;)
You’re the best! Thank you!
hello there! i just started reading your blog recently and wanted to pop in to say that i, too, am a bit clueless about this world of blogging (my blog is very new, only a couple months old) and extremely clueless about all these conferences. the thought of going to a conference makes me want to steal my dog’s thundershirt and go hide in the bathroom. props to you for going!!
Welcome! You’re going to love blogging!
I’ve known you online for years – well before this site even. And um, you’re funny. HILARIOUS. I used to read your posts aloud to Alan. He agrees you are funny too. (And I know funny.)
You and I…man we go back. B.B= before blogging existed, even. 2000? 2001?