I spent much of my time at the BlogHer expo looking for mascots to take pictures with. For all the time I spent doing that, I see I missed at least half of them- Paris over at DogTipper found the Pine Sol lady, the Jimmy Dean sun (who looks exactly like my high school history teacher), and a...piece of Swiffer lint, I guess. Some people have all the luck. That's what I get for going home too early. Nonetheless, I found some singular photo opps myself: A dog from Canine Companions for ... Read more »
Ain’t no party like a pet blog party
I'll be dedicating a couple of posts this week to my experience at BlogHer, which despite a strep-infected son, a mild encounter with a GI bug and my lack of ability to properly sell myself in an environment that is ALL about selling yourself, was a really fun time. I decided early on that I was not going to worry about connecting with sausage or lotion manufacturers (boy, could that be misconstrued!) and was just going to go and meet people and have fun. I knew that there would be a ... Read more »
Be Funny and Cute
As I've mentioned, I'm attending the BlogHer conference in San Diego this weekend. I was a little unsure of whether I thought this was something I would get anything out of, but hey, I figure might as well give it a go since it's so close to home anyway. There are a lot of diverse bloggers at this show. This is, in fact, what the organizers promote as one of its key enticements. I met dominatrices and peace activists and mommy bloggers and soul enhancement coaches and lifestyle experts, ... Read more »