It's a mark of my inattentiveness that I almost let this whole big one year anniversary pass me by! Today is the Pawcurious One Year Anniversary! One year ago today, I shared the story of the dog who pulled my shirt down in pursuit of 100% client satisfaction and my life hasn't been the same since. What a year it's been! Let's see, what has happened in this momentous year on the blog? 1. Emmett died 2. Callie disappeared 3. Guinea pig died OK, that is seriously depressing. Let's ... Read more »
2010 Brodies Finalists are announced!
And it was NOT easy. I was hoping that in each category half of the blogs would be amazing and half would be meh, leaving a neat delineation for the separation of the finalists. That was not the case. Originally there were four judges, but even that wasn't enough and I needed to recruit an additional three judges at the last minute to help me figure it out. I hate judging. What was I thinking? You're all aces in my book. Speaking of books, Kathie Meier has donated 2 signed copies of Dr. ... Read more »
The mike has landed- just need to know what to say
1. The Hounds for Haiti auction is completed and the final tally once every auction is paid for will be $1436.49!!! Which is totally amazing. Thank you so much for all the generous donors and the fantastic people who bid on everything. Many of you did both. FWIW I will never, ever do this again, so I'm glad it was a success on this one and only occasion. Between the hidden "deductions" and Paypal's weird policies and everything being held in escrow for 3 weeks and being investigated by eBay ... Read more »
The Ruffolution is here!
January 29, 2010- Stunning the digital media world and tech insiders alike, Apple today swiftly announced a new product right on the heels of the much discussed iPad. Introducing the iPawd: The best way to experience pet ownership, adoration, and companionship. Hands Down. Ingenuity By digitizing the household pet, we've streamlined the pet ownership process from start to finish. An all-in-one experience Surf the web. Check your e-mail. Take it for a walk. Whatever your day has in store, ... Read more »
The Golden Boy
I was in the office yesterday, dusting, when I came upon Emmett and Mulan. They aren't doing much in their pine boxes, just sitting around waiting for something interesting to happen. Much like they were in life, in fact. I don't want to scatter their ashes yet because we're debating moving in a year or two and I'm still feeling terrible guilt over abandoning Nuke's ashes, buried under a willow tree at my last house. So they wait. I run my finger over Mulan's name, and sigh. "Mulan," my ... Read more »
Are you a stud or a dud?
Oh, no. I have all sorts of wonderful new people popping over thanks to the Bloggies and what do I do? Write a post about vomit. I can't help it. That is what we are all about here, folks. Dogs, cats, Barbies, and vomit. We like to keep it classy over here. But I'll make it up to you! I've been looking at the questionnaire we give to our new clients, which asks things like number of pets, the food you feed, health history, etc. I think this could be improved upon. In honor of Valentine's Day ... Read more »
I can handle it.
Gross stuff, I mean. *I deal in gross stuff on a day to day basis- diarrhea, blood, bloody diarrhea, and abscesses. Cat bite abscesses, the Grandaddy of Nastiness. It is important that you keep this in mind as I tell you this story. I was very happy when my daughter's kindergarten teacher recently asked me to be one of the chaperones on their very first field trip. They were going to a nature reserve, and as a biology major and lover of all that nature-y stuff I couldn't imagine a more fun ... Read more »
On safari: After the Storm
Behold the desert savannah. Usually a placid Garden of Eden for goldenbeasts and jungle ocelots alike, this tranquil landscape has been torn apart by a rare and brutal lashing from Mother Nature. How does the mighty Goldenbeast adapt to disruption? Can he survive the transformed landscape? ... Read more »
StormWatch 2010
When there's bad weather in Southern California, they always make it sound like the most dramatic event ever. "RAIN WATCH 2009!" "STORM WATCH 2008!" " Expect INCHES of RAIN!!!" I can see how people watching the news in Maine from under a blanket of snow are less than impressed. Trust me, though- this storm was a doozy. Southern Californians aren't mentally or physically prepared for a good drenching, so when it hits we all stand around befuddled as to what the heck we're supposed to do when ... Read more »
Blog pimpin’
When I went over to the 2010 Bloggies award page this week, I wasn't expecting to actually make it to the finals. But I did, and you should have heard me cheer. CHEER I say. Then I realized the blog was nominated for not one but two awards and I really made a scene. This is really exciting for me. I know this isn't nearly as exciting for anyone else as it is for me, so thank you all SO much for taking the time to nominate this little blog with nothing in it for you except making me ... Read more »