One of the reasons many vets give for choosing their profession is, "I like animals better than people." It's not a good reason, mind you, and those with misanthropic tendencies learn to cover it up pretty quickly or else have a rotten career, but I will tell you from experience that well, it's true. I've been working on it. I actually get along pretty well with people, as far as I can tell. But every once in a while I experience one of those penultimate human experiences that I'm supposed to ... Read more »
Fashion Xanax
If I seem a little stressed in the next couple of months, I have a good excuse: we are going to try and sell our house. I say "try", because this is one of those housing markets when upon saying "I'm going to put my house on the market" the universal response is, "Well, good luck with that." We're staying in the area- after seeing all those pictures from Colorado this weekend I think it's safe to say I am actually quite content here in San Diego, thanks- and the decision is one that has more ... Read more »
We’re nominated for the Bloggies!
I was so, so excited to see pawcurious is a finalist in the 2012 Bloggies Best Pet or Animal Weblog category! It would mean SO much if you would take just a moment to vote for us. It would mean more than: a bucket of truffles a closet of Jimmy Poos a nice bottle of vintage Port Yes, it would mean that much. And to entice you further, I have composed more Bad Poetry: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Please vote for us, Even though you get nothing in return because I ... Read more »
AKC/Eukanuba this weekend: join the party!
Tomorrow's the big day! For air time info, check here but it should be either 2 pm or 12 depending on your time zone. There's also an online Twitter party that will be going on simultaneously using the hashtag #AKCEukshow. I'll be there with some more Eukanuba dog food vouchers during the PST air time, 12-2 PST. I hope you can stop in! The show will mostly be covering the Best in Show finals, but as you know there was a ton of other stuff going on too. I put together a slideshow of some of ... Read more »
Game Day! With Pawcurean Dog Nachos
It's a big weekend for those of us who like to sit by the TV and eat. One, the AKC/Eukanuba show airs on Saturday, so I'll be glued to the screen jumping up and down every time I spot myself on TV. And of course, the next day is that most festive of sports events, the Super Bowl. It's fair to say I am ambivalent at best about football, so the question here is not so much "Team Pats" versus "Team Giants" as it is "Team Game" versus "Team Commercials." I for one, am of the latter persuasion. ... Read more »
Behind the Ribbon: An exclusive interview with new AKC Champ London!
As a non-dog show person, I was admittedly nervous going to a big dog show like the AKC/Eukanuba show. I don't know the lingo. I don't know how to conduct myself. I was worried that if I admitted I was as clueless as they come and didn't know a triangle from a drum that I might be laughed out of the place. After all, dog show people aren't like the rest of us, right? They're kind of stuffy. Pretentious, even. Out of touch with all of us regular folks slumming it in the trenches. As it turns ... Read more »
Dogs, DNA, and some really incredible pictures.
I've had dogs on the mind lately (what else is new?), but the world of purebreds has been there even moreso than usual. The AKC/Eukanuba show I attended in December will air on ABC on the 4th, as you probably gleaned by now since I haven't stopped yammering about it since then. In addition, I'm also going to Westminster on February 13th and 14th, for no reason other than I just wanted to see it, to marvel at the spectacle. It's such a strange confluence of worlds, society-minded dog fanciers ... Read more »
Let’s play “What Breed are you?”
When I was in school, there was a resident who could best be described as a holy terror. She ate senior students for breakfast, washing it down with the salty tears of our despair when she would mercilessly rip us to shreds in rounds. And hoo boy, did she love me. And by love, I mean, love to rip me up one side and down the other. I was an easy target; I didn't know much at the time. Her very favorite snack. "The patient in room two is a...." I studied the chart..."Belgian ... Read more »
Cat Lady Undercover
Anyone who's read this blog for a while knows I identify as a dog person. In this world, you're one or the other, it seems, but just because you lean towards one doesn't mean you dislike the other. I happen to like cats a lot, too. Which is why I took my daughter to check out the 2012 San Diego Cat Show this weekend. It really is a different world. Much like a dog show, there are 'rings' where the cats are judged. There's none of this running around in a show lead, however. The cats ... Read more »
Hello Olive
Our friends Jeff and Shelia recently brought home a poodle puppy, Olive. Now, I love these guys to begin with, but when they told me how they prepared for a new dog- being inexperienced owners- I loved them even a little more. They waited three years, until the time was right and the kids were old enough. They researched exhaustively, picking a knowledgable breeder who spent hours with them visiting, teaching them about the breed, and making sure they knew the importance of early ... Read more »